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Straight grained Go Board 2/3

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Hyuga Kaya Go Board
[19.0cm thick, Ten-masa]

 Board master : Tokukichi Kito

 Product ID:GA132

 Measurement:46.6 x 43.0,

 total height 30.8, thick 19.0

 It has been perfectly dried for more than 30 years. It has a wonderful rainbow-like top surface.

Hyuga Kaya Go Board
[17.2cm thick, Ten-masa]

 Board master : Tokukichi Kito

 Product ID:GA133

 Measurement:45.7 x 42.7,

 total height 20.9, thick 17.2

 The grain is fine and clear. The top surface is also beautiful, and is the best Hyuga material.

Hyuga Kaya Go Board
[21.2cm thick, Ten-masa]

 Board master : Tokukichi Kito

 Product ID:GA134

 Measurement:46.3 x 43.0,

 total height 33.0, thick 21.2

 A powerful board. The board is cut out with an emphasis on thickness. The top surface is clean and quiet, with a massive yet calm atmosphere.

Hyuga Kaya Go Board
[20.3cm thick, Ten-masa]

 Board master : Tokukichi Kito

 Product ID:GA135

 Measurement:46.0 x 43.0,

 total height 32.1, thick 20.3

 The pattern has a strong peculiarity and the grain on the top surface is clear. The color of the board is a nice reddish color, which is a true characteristic of Hyuga Kaya grain close grain.

Hyuga Kaya Go Board
[16.2 thick, Tenchi-masa]

 Board master : Mokichi Uchiyama

 Product ID:GA120

 Measurement:45.2 x 42.4,

 total height 29.0, thick 16.2

 It is a work of Mokichi Uchiyama, Go board master of the Taisho era. Made in 1917.

 The board has the highly-prized Tenchi-masa grain. Straight grain going across from the top to bottom on the ends. Tenchi-masa is the preferred grain pattern of Go equipment connoisseurs.

 This was used in Honinbo Title, and signed by the honorary Honinbo Kaku Takagawa on the back.

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 * Sold out

 * Chinese kaya is not sold at our shop.

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